#!/bin/bash ########################################################################################################## # This acts as a wrapper/filter to qsub. Written by Sreedhar Manchu. # Added on Aug 8th, 2011 # http://www.clusterresources.com/torquedocs21/a.jqsubwrapper.shtml ########################################################################################################## # Memory Variables. # If you want to provide more memory for jobs than the currently allocated memory on # nodes on certain chassis you just need to change these variables. mem16gb_limit=14 # Right now 14GB memory is allocated for jobs on 16GB nodes mem32gb_limit=30 # Right now 30GB memory is allocated for jobs on 32GB nodes mem_bigmem_min=18 # Minimum memory required for bigmem queue in GB memory_per_core=1536 # Memory allocated per core is 1536MB (1.5GB). If you are changing this number make sure # that the processors per node times this number is at least 1GB less than physcal memory # present on the node. In this case, it is 16GB. 8*1536MB=12GB < 15GB. This number # should be in MB. wtime_bigmem_max=172800 # Bigmem queue maximum walltime in seconds (48 hours) # Should be a multiple of 3600. wtime_p12_max=43200 # p12 queue maximum walltime in seconds (12 hours) # Should be a multiple of 3600. wtime_p48_max=172800 # p48 queue maximum walltime in seconds (48 hours) # Should be a multiple of 3600. wtime_serlong_min=172860 # serlong queue minimum walltime in seconds (48 hours 1 minute) # The remainder after deviding it with 3600 should be a multiple of 60. wtime_serlong_max=345600 # serlong queue maximum walltime in seconds (96 hours) # Should be a multiple of 3600. wtime_ser2_min=60 # ser2 queue minimum walltime in seconds (1 minute). # Should be a multiple of 60. For example, it can be 120 (=2*60) wtime_ser2_max=172800 # ser2 queue maximum walltime in seconds (48 hours) # Should be a multiple of 3600. # Don't change the code in the block bordered by dashes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ $# -eq 1 ] # Enters loop when job runs through only script. Hence argument is 1. then # This part of the code makes sure that script follows the pbs scripting rules. counter=0 line_count=0 while read -r i do if [ $line_count -eq 0 ] then if echo $i | egrep "^#\! */" 2>&1 > /dev/null # Looks for shebang/hashbang (#!) in the first line then echo $i else echo -e "\nFirst line should have shebang/hashbang (#!). Please fix the script\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For example, it can be #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash , etc.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi line_count=1 pbs_operatives="not_done" pbs_line_count=0 pbs_first_line="yes" continue elif [[ $pbs_operatives == "not_done" ]] then if [ $pbs_first_line = "yes" -a `echo $i | egrep "^$" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -ne 0 -a `echo $i | egrep "^ *#" | grep -v "^ *#PBS *" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -ne 0 -a `echo $i | egrep "^ *#PBS *" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "\nPBS operatives such as \"#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2,walltime=05:00:00\" are either missing or not declared immediately after shebang/hashbang line \"#\!/bin/bash\". Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 else pbs_first_line="no" if [ `echo $i | egrep "^$" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -eq 0 -o `echo $i | egrep "^ *#" | grep -v "^ *#PBS *" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -eq 0 ] then echo $i line_count=$(($line_count+1)) if [ `head -$(($line_count+1)) $1 | tail -1 | egrep "^$" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -ne 0 -a `head -$(($line_count+1)) $1 | tail -1 | egrep "^ *#" | grep -v "^ *#PBS *" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -ne 0 -a `head -$(($line_count+1)) $1 | tail -1 | egrep "^ *#PBS *" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -ne 0 ] then if [ $pbs_line_count -eq 0 ] then echo -e "\nPBS operatives such as \"#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2,walltime=05:00:00\" are either missing or not declared immediately after shebang/hashbang line \"#\!/bin/bash\". Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 else pbs_operatives="done" fi fi continue # This part of the code finds the required parts from #pbs lines elif echo $i | egrep "^ *#PBS *" 2>&1> /dev/null # Looks for #PBS lines then if echo $i | egrep "^ *#PBS *-q *" 2>&1> /dev/null # Looks for #PBS -q line then queue=$i # Stores the queue requested echo $i elif echo $i | egrep "^ *#PBS *-l *" 2>&1> /dev/null # Looks for #PBS -l lines then if echo $i | egrep " *nodes=0*[1-9][0-9]?" 2>&1> /dev/null # Looks for nodes= in #PBS -l line then node_count=`echo $i | egrep -o 'nodes=0*[1-9][0-9]?' | cut -d"=" -f2` # stores number of nodes requested #echo "node count is $node_count" fi if echo $i | egrep "ppn=0*[1-9][0-9]?" 2>&1> /dev/null # Looks for ppn= in #PBS -l line then ppn_count=`echo $i | egrep -o 'ppn=0*[1-9][0-9]?' | cut -d"=" -f2` # stores number of ppn requested #echo "ppn count is $ppn_count" fi if echo $i | egrep " *mem=0*[1-9][0-9]*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]" 2>&1> /dev/null # looks for mem= in #PBS -l line then if echo $i | egrep -w " *mem=0*[1-9][0-9]*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]" 2>&1> /dev/null then mtag=`echo $i | egrep -o ' *mem=0*[1-9][0-9]*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]' | cut -d= -f2 | egrep -o '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]'` # stores memory tag like KB, MB or GB memory=`echo $i | egrep -o 'mem=0*[1-9][0-9]*' | cut -d"=" -f2` if echo $mtag | egrep '[gG][bB]' 2>&1> /dev/null #if [[ $mtag =~ "[gG][bB]" ]] then memory=`expr $memory '*' 1024 '*' 1024` # stores memory requested and converts it into kilo bytes #memory=$(($memory*1024*1024)) elif echo $mtag | egrep '[mM][bB]' 2>&1> /dev/null #if [[ $mtag =~ "[mM][bB]" ]] then memory=`expr $memory '*' 1024` #memory=$(($memory*1024)) elif echo $mtag | egrep '[kK][bB]' 2>&1> /dev/null #if [[ $mtag =~ "[kK][bB]" ]] then memory=$memory else echo -e "\nMemory should be either in Kilo Bytes(kb, KB) or Mega Bytes (mb, MB) or Giga Bytes (gb, GB). Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi else echo -e "\nMemory tag should not be more than two letters. It can be just one of kb,KB,mb,MB,gb and GB. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi fi if echo $i | egrep -o '( |,)walltime=[0-9]*:?[0-9]*:?[0-9]*:?[0-9]*($|,)' 2>&1> /dev/null # looks for walltime= in #PBS -l line then wallstring=`echo $i | egrep -o '( |,)walltime=[0-9]*:?[0-9]*:?[0-9]*:?[0-9]*($|,)' | cut -f2 -d"="` if [ `echo "$wallstring" | egrep -o '^[0-9]*:?[0-9]*:?[0-9]*:?[0-9]*,$'` ] then wallstring=`echo "$wallstring" | cut -f1 -d","` fi if [ -z "$wallstring" ] then echo -e "\nPlease declare the walltime in the script such as in \"#PBS -l walltime=05:00:00\" or \"#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=05:00:00\"\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1; elif [ `echo "$wallstring" | egrep -o '^:{1,3}$'` ] then echo -e "\nPlease declare the walltime in the script such as in \"#PBS -l walltime=05:00:00\" or \"#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=05:00:00\"\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1; else number=`echo "$wallstring" | tr -dc ":" | wc -c` for (( j=$(($number+1)); j>0; j-- )) do if [ -n "`echo "$wallstring" | cut -f"$j" -d":"`" -a $j -eq $(($number+1)) ] then walltime=`echo "$wallstring" | cut -f"$j" -d":"` # stores walltime requested elif [ -n "`echo "$wallstring" | cut -f$j -d":"`" -a $j -eq $number ] then walltime=$(($walltime+`echo "$wallstring" | cut -f$j -d":"`*60)) # converts into seconds elif [ -n "`echo "$wallstring" | cut -f$j -d":"`" -a $j -eq $(($number-1)) ] then walltime=$(($walltime+`echo "$wallstring" | cut -f$j -d":"`*60*60)) # converts into seconds elif [ -n "`echo "$wallstring" | cut -f$j -d":"`" -a $j -eq $(($number-2)) ] then walltime=$(($walltime+`echo "$wallstring" | cut -f$j -d":"`*24*60*60)) # converts into seconds fi done fi #echo "walltime is $walltime" fi echo $i else echo $i fi line_count=$(($line_count+1)) pbs_line_count=$(($pbs_line_count+1)) if [ `head -$(($line_count+1)) $1 | tail -1 | egrep "^$" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -ne 0 -a `head -$(($line_count+1)) $1 | tail -1 | egrep "^ *#" | grep -v "^ *#PBS *" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -ne 0 -a `head -$(($line_count+1)) $1 | tail -1 | egrep "^ *#PBS *" 2>&1 > /dev/null` $? -ne 0 ] then pbs_operatives="done" fi continue fi fi fi if [ -z $node_count ] then echo -e "\nNode count is not declared such as in \"#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=05:00:00\". Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refter to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi if [ -z $ppn_count ] then echo -e "\nProcessor Per Node count is not declared such as in \"#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=05:00:00\". Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refter to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 else if [ $ppn_count -gt 8 ] then echo -e "\nMaximum number of processors per node available is 8. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refter to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi fi if [ -z $walltime ] then echo -e "\nPlease declare the walltime in the script such as in \"#PBS -l walltime=05:00:00\" or \"#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=05:00:00\"\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1; fi #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This part of the code works based on the queues declared. if [ -n "$queue" -a $counter -eq 0 ] then if echo $queue | egrep "^ *#PBS *-q *bigmem$" 2>&1> /dev/null # Enters if the queue is bigmem then if [ -z "$memory" ] # If memory is not requested it echoes the statement below. then echo -e "\nBigmem queue needs memory declaration in the pbs script. For example, if your job needs 25GB memory, job script should contain a line:" > /dev/tty echo -e "\n#PBS -l mem=25GB\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 else if [ $memory -lt $(($mem_bigmem_min*1024*1024)) ] then echo -e "\nMinimum memory for bigmem queue is ${mem_bigmem_min}GB. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 elif [ $memory -gt $(($mem32gb_limit*1024*1024)) ] then echo -e "\nMaximum memory for bigmem queue is ${mem32gb_limit}GB. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi fi if [ $walltime -gt $wtime_bigmem_max ] # makes sure walltime is less than 48 hours then echo -e "\nThe maximum walltime for bigmem jobs is $(($wtime_bigmem_max/3600)) hours. Please fix the walltime before you resubmit the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi elif echo $queue | egrep "^ *#PBS *-q *p12$" 2>&1> /dev/null # looks for p12 queue in #PBS -q line then if [ ! -z $node_count -a $node_count -eq 1 ] # p12 jobs require minimum 2 nodes then echo -e "\nMinimum number of nodes needed for queue p12 is 2. Please fix your job script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 elif [ -n "$memory" -a -n $node_count ] then if [ $memory -gt $(($mem16gb_limit*1024*1024)) ] then echo -e "\nTo run parallel jobs that require memory greater than ${mem16gb_limit}GB please use queue bigmem.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi elif [ -z "$memory" ] then echo "#PBS -l mem=${mem16gb_limit}GB" echo -e "\nAllocated memory for your job is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. If you need more than this please use bigmem queue.\n"> /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty fi if [ $walltime -gt $wtime_p12_max ] # makes sure walltime is less than 12 hours for p12 jobs then echo -e "\nThe maximum walltime for p12 jobs is $(($wtime_p12_max/3600)) hours. Please fix the walltime before you resubmit the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi elif echo $queue | egrep "^ *#PBS *-q *p48$" 2>&1> /dev/null # p48 queue then if [ ! -z $node_count -a $node_count -eq 1 ] then echo -e "\nMinimum number of nodes needed for queue p48 is 2. Please fix your job script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 elif [ -n "$memory" -a -n $node_count ] then if [ $memory -gt $(($mem16gb_limit*1024*1024)) ] then echo -e "\nTo run parallel jobs that require memory greater than ${mem16gb_limit}GB please use queue bigmem.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi elif [ -z "$memory" ] then echo "#PBS -l mem=${mem16gb_limit}GB" echo -e "\nAllocated memory for your job is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. If you need more than this please use bigmem queue.\n"> /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty fi if [ $walltime -gt $wtime_p48_max ] then echo -e "\nThe maximum walltime for p48 jobs is $(($wtime_p48_max/3600)) hours. Please fix the walltime before you resubmit the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi elif echo $queue | egrep "^ *#PBS *-q *serlong$" 2>&1> /dev/null # serlong queue then if [ ! -z $node_count -a $node_count -gt 1 ] then echo -e "\nThe maximum node count for serlong queue is 1. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 elif [ $walltime -lt $wtime_serlong_min ] then echo -e "\nThe minimum walltime for serlong queue is $(($wtime_serlong_min/3600)) hours $((($wtime_serlong_min-3600*($wtime_serlong_min/3600))/60)) minute. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 elif [ $walltime -gt $wtime_serlong_max ] then echo -e "\nThe maximum walltime for serlong queue is $(($wtime_serlong_max/3600)) hours. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi if [ -n "$memory" ] then if [ $memory -gt $(($mem16gb_limit*1024*1024)) ] then echo -e "\nMaximum memory available for serlong queue is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. To request more than this please use queue bigmem.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refter to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi if [ $ppn_count -lt 8 ] then if [ $(($ppn_count*$mem16gb_limit*1024*1024/8)) -lt $memory ] then echo -e "\nAllocated memory for each core is $(($mem16gb_limit*1024/8))MB (=${mem16gb_limit}GB/8). Please change the ppn count in the script according to the calculation, ppn*$(($mem16gb_limit*1024/8))MB >= declared memory for the job.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi else if [ $memory -gt $(($mem16gb_limit*1024*1024)) ] then echo -e "\nMaximum memory available is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi fi else if [ $ppn_count -lt 8 ] then echo "#PBS -l mem=$(($ppn_count*$memory_per_core))MB" echo -e "\nAllocated memory for your job is $(($ppn_count*$memory_per_core))MB. Memory is calculated using the formula ppn times memory per core, ${memory_per_core}MB." > /dev/tty echo -e "If you think you need more memory than this please either change ppn count or declare memory with #PBS -l mem=xxGB\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty else echo "#PBS -l mem=${mem16gb_limit}GB" echo -e "\nAllocated memory for your job is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. If you need more than this please use bigmem queue.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty fi fi elif echo $queue | egrep "^ *#PBS *-q *ser2$" 2>&1> /dev/null # ser2 queue then if [ ! -z $node_count -a $node_count -gt 1 ] then echo -e "\nThe maximum node count for ser2 queue is 1. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 elif [ $walltime -lt $wtime_ser2_min ] then echo -e "\nThe minimum walltime for ser2 queue is $(($wtime_ser2_min/60)) minute. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 elif [ $walltime -gt $wtime_ser2_max ] then echo -e "\nThe maximum walltime for ser2 queue is $(($wtime_ser2_max/3600)) hours. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi if [ -n "$memory" ] then if [ $memory -gt $(($mem16gb_limit*1024*1024)) ] then echo -e "\nMaximum memory available for ser2 queue is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. To request more than this please use queue bigmem.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refter to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi if [ $ppn_count -lt 8 ] then if [ $(($ppn_count*$mem16gb_limit*1024*1024/8)) -lt $memory ] then echo -e "\nAllocated memory for each core is $(($mem16gb_limit*1024/8))MB (=${mem16gb_limit}GB/8). Please change the ppn count in the script according to the calculation, ppn*$(($mem16gb_limit*1024/8))MB >= declared memory for the job.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi else if [ $memory -gt $(($mem16gb_limit*1024*1024)) ] then echo -e "\nMaximum memory available is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi fi else if [ $ppn_count -lt 8 ] then echo "#PBS -l mem=$(($ppn_count*$memory_per_core))MB" echo -e "\nAllocated memory for your job is $(($ppn_count*$memory_per_core))MB. Memory is calculated using the formula ppn times memory per core,${memory_per_core} MB." > /dev/tty echo -e "If you think you need more memory than this please either change ppn count or declare memory with #PBS -l mem=xxGB\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty else echo "#PBS -l mem=${mem16gb_limit}GB" echo -e "\nAllocated memory for your job is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. If you need more than this please use bigmem queue.\n"> /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty fi fi fi counter=1 # This part of the code works when there are no queues declared. elif [ -z "$queue" -a $counter -eq 0 ] then if [ -n $node_count -a $node_count -eq 1 ] then if [ $walltime -lt $wtime_ser2_min ] then echo -e "\nThe minimum walltime for serial jobs is $(($wtime_ser2_min/60)) minute. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 elif [ $walltime -gt $wtime_serlong_max ] then echo -e "\nThe maximum walltime for serial jobs is $(($wtime_serlong_max/3600)) hours. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi if [ -z "$memory" ] then if [ -n $ppn_count -a $ppn_count -lt 8 ] then echo "#PBS -l mem=$(($ppn_count*$memory_per_core))MB" echo -e "\nAllocated memory for your job is $(($ppn_count*$memory_per_core))MB. Memory is calculated using the formula ppn times memory per core, ${memory_per_core}MB." > /dev/tty echo -e "If you think you need more memory than this please either change ppn count or declare memory with #PBS -l mem=xxGB\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty elif [ -n $ppn_count -a $ppn_count -eq 8 ] then echo "#PBS -l mem=${mem16gb_limit}GB" echo -e "\nAllocated memory for your job is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. If you need more than this please use bigmem queue.\n"> /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty fi else if [ $memory -gt $(($mem16gb_limit*1024*1024)) ] then echo -e "\nMaximum memory available is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. To request more than this please use queue bigmem.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refter to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi if [ $ppn_count -lt 8 ] then if [ $(($ppn_count*$mem16gb_limit*1024*1024/8)) -lt $memory ] then echo -e "\nAllocated memory for each core is $(($mem16gb_limit*1024/8))MB (=${mem16gb_limit}GB/8). Please change the ppn count in the script according to the calculation, ppn*$(($mem16gb_limit*1024/8))MB >= declared memory for the job.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi fi fi elif [ -n $node_count -a $node_count -ge 2 ] then if [ $walltime -gt $wtime_p48_max ] then echo -e "\nMaximum walltime for parallel jobs is $(($wtime_p48_max/3600)) hours. Please fix the script.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Queues\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi if [ -n "$memory" ] then if [ $memory -gt $(($mem16gb_limit*1024*1024)) ] then echo -e "\nTo run parallel jobs that require memory greater than ${mem16gb_limit}GB please use queue bigmem.\n" > /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty exit -1 fi else echo "#PBS -l mem=${mem16gb_limit}GB" echo -e "\nAllocated memory for your job is ${mem16gb_limit}GB. If you need more than this please use bigmem queue.\n"> /dev/tty echo -e "For more information please refer to HPC Wiki at https://wikis.nyu.edu/display/NYUHPC/Running+jobs\n" > /dev/tty fi fi counter=1 fi echo $i done # This below part works when job is submitted through command line but # not through script. Where as the above part entirely deals with the pbs scripts. else while read -r i do echo $i done fi
Monday, August 22, 2011
Torque qsub wrapper/submit filter shell script
I have recently written this shell script to act as a filter to pbs job scripts submitted on our clusters. For more information look online for Torque administrator manual.
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PBS Script Generator: Interdependent dropdown/select menus in Javascript
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- My Knotty Mind - Labyrinth
- LA, CA, United States
- Here I write about the battles that have been going on in my mind. It's pretty much a scribble.
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- MySQL with ODBC driver
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- Locking screen on Mac from Terminal
- Installing XmGrace (Grace) on Mac OS X
- Torque qsub wrapper/submit filter shell script
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- selection of form fields uisng tab on Mac
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